Credit: Teamsters Local 1224

Pilots flying for DHL supplier carriers in the US have warned of a strike should airlines “make a wrong move or violate contracts”.

Pilots in the Teamsters Local 1224, flying for Atlas Air and its subsidiaries Southern and Polar, ATSG’s ABX Air and Kalitta, last month voted 99% in favour of a strike should mediation fail.

Tensions grew after Atlas took over Southern Air, and called for its existing pilot contracts to be merged into Southern’s contract, without negotiation. Pilots also claim that Atlas stopped acting “in ...

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  • Jackson

    June 06, 2016 at 2:21 pm

    You should change your headline to reflect the truth – rather than trying to make it sensational as you have you should be correct and state the pilots flying for Atlas/ABX are threatening to strike. And they are not flying for DHL as stated in the headline. They fly for US carriers of which DHL is one of their customers.

    • Alex Lennane

      June 06, 2016 at 2:31 pm

      Thank you for your comment. I have adjusted the headline slightly, but I think the article itself makes it very clear, even in the first sentence, that the pilots are not flying directly for DHL. Best, Alex