Department of Defense

Twelve US airlines yesterday won US defence contracts worth more than $480m, with the lion’s share going to Atlas Air. 

The task orders mean the carriers, all part of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF), must provide international long- and short-range charter services for the Department of Defense over the next year. 

Atlas Air won more than half the total value of the contracts, at $287m. Rival ATSG’s subsidiaries, Omni Air, which specialises in passenger movements, won a $77m contract, and ABX Air one for ...

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  • Stephen

    October 02, 2019 at 5:14 pm

    Worth noting that not just Omni, but ABX and ATI are also subsidiaries of ATSG. Major coup for them.

    Of course the stock was down almost 2% today. Figure that one out.