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© Jirapatch Iamkate

Maersk is reportedly in the market for a top five forwarder as huge shipping line profits – a combined Q3 ebit of $37.24bn – are expected to disrupt the logistics industry, with air cargo taking a particular interest in the outcome.

Maersk’s well-publicised acquisition of Senator, two 777Fs and leases on three 767-300Fs for its Star Air subsidiary, as well as its move into forwarding, could well disrupt the market.

Then, of course, there is CMA CGM’s decision to set up its ...

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  • Joseph Kovar

    November 30, 2021 at 2:56 pm

    This is a great article and points out that if these ocean carriers continue in moving into the air freight market they will control the skies like they are controlling the water and rates on airfreight will go up dramatically and will surely put many customers out of business. They will put many forwarders out of business as well, is this what we want the control by a few?