port of antwerp Daniël Leppens
Daniël Leppens

Container rates across main and secondary tradelanes are exploding, with no hope of any easing of the pain for ocean freight shippers in the coming weeks, or possibly even months.

Today’s Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) comprehensive index value has doubled since May, with several tradelane components recording gains in spot rates in excess of 100%.

This week saw another 9% increase in the SCFI for rates from Asia to North Europe, to $1,246 per teu, and in further bad news for ...

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  • Ivis Martin

    November 07, 2020 at 11:01 am

    I’m an owner operator in the USA and when I see this news it only infuriates me because all these price gains only benefit the steam ship lines and brokers but nevertheless the truck divers who are at the bottom of the line.