© Paul Wishart

UPDATED 24.11.20 to include Maersk statement

Maersk has announced plans to increase its import haulage tariff for the UK and Ireland on 1 January, as freight rates continue to spike by “crazy” amounts.

The timing could not be more inopportune, adding further misery to importers and a port sector bracing itself for what is expected to be “utter chaos” in the new, and as yet unknown, trade regime between the EU and the UK.

Maersk said the “adjustment” to its import haulage tariff ...

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  • Richard Bollard

    November 24, 2020 at 3:54 pm

    Liverpool Docks are a shambles at the moment. Hauliers suffering waiting for Containers . System at docks a waste of time. Long wait to get box on on & off. No Marshaling on the pad system. Fights breaking out amongst drivers on who is next. Peel Ports just dont give a toss

  • Clive Broadhead

    November 24, 2020 at 10:36 pm

    Why not make more use of the less congested container ports on the Humber, like Hull and Immingham?

    • Mike Wackett

      November 26, 2020 at 10:32 am

      There are 1,000s of containers stranded at R’dam, Ant and Zeebrugge that could normally be feedered to the Humber
      Clive – but there are just no ships open at the moment!

  • Ann

    November 27, 2020 at 12:00 am

    We cant afford to hoard steel containers in the country crap was sent to…
    Any ship importing containers full of stuff.., must also provide RETURN CARGO SHIPS, going back to them.
    Our country isnt a dump.

  • Lyndon Dupont

    December 08, 2020 at 11:27 am

    Let’s hold the port authorities and shipping companies accountable – by working together.

    Please sign and share this petition – https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/563212/sponsors/new?token=NuE-RvMGgLUnHN1wKxt9

    Thanks in advance!