lh 777f

Air freight capacity is inching up, with several more freighters now in operation.

According to Accenture Seabury capacity data, the first half of September saw capacity 23% below the same period of last year, up from 26% lower the previous fortnight.

But, it said, transpacific capacity was back at 2019 levels.

Airlines are looking to increase their freighter fleets: National Airlines has reintroduced three parked former Cathay Pacific 747 converted freighters, which it acquired last year.

They had been stored in Marana Air Park, ...

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  • Rayhan ahmed

    October 01, 2020 at 3:45 pm

    The covid 19 vaccine is around the corner
    For air transport.., all retired freighters
    747 400 /200/300 , need to be put
    Back into service .. even if a old DC10 F is
    Avialiable use it !!!!!!!!