
Seko Logistics is eyeing further expansion this year following its largest acquisition to date, Air-City Inc, last week.

“We have evolved with phases of acquisitive and organic growth, and will continue on that track,” said vice president marketing Brian Bourke.

“We may do a tuck-in acquisition beyond the borders of the US this year: two interesting regions are the EU and South-east Asia,” he added.

Seko says it is looking for companies which, as well as offering synergies with its current business, also ...

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  • Andreas Koût

    January 13, 2020 at 4:16 pm

    interesting a company seeking investors for sale is now on an acquisition trail.
    AirCity is a IFF and NVOCC and not as distributed by Seko a cross broder e-commerce specialist, otherwise they(AirCity) would clearly indicate this on their homepage but they do not so, so do not marketing something which is not reality ,this is not serious.