'Supply Chain Wayne' tells the tale of Connor the Container
Another children’s book explaining world trade via container shipping has been published, this time by ...
From the Korea Times comes this analysis of the speculation that Hyundai’s bid to join the 2M shipping alliance of Maersk and MSC is a prelude to a takeover of the South Korean carrier by Maersk. This theory was first postulated by Drewry, but has been strongly rejected by a government that has worked so hard to save the company from bankruptcy. “The government wouldn’t have struggled this much for restructuring if we wanted to sell HMM abroad. I believe Maersk and MSC ...
Semiconductors could compensate for air freight's lost ecommerce traffic
Gemini schedule reliability falls below 90% target for the first time
Red Sea crisis forces Maersk to increase capacity over strategy limit
'Weakened' Maersk paying a heavy price for its lack of fleet growth
Forwarders predict fall in airfreight rates as ecommerce eyes sea freight
US port call fees would force ACL to exit transatlantic trade, says CEO
'More pronounced' demand slump drives container spot freight rate declines
DHL sees opportunities as end of US de minimis exemption looms
Calling all shippers!
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