air canada
Photo: © Think Design Manage

Air Canada (AC) was the first airline to remove seats and deploy passenger aircraft as freighters back in April, when Covid-19 lockdowns grounded fleets.

Now the airline is preparing to turn 767s into permanent freighters to establish main deck capacity as a long-term strategic plank in its operation.

AC has been a prolific user of ‘preighters’: since the spring it has been operating three B777-300s and four A330-300s without seats for cargo missions, and clocked up more than 3,000 such flights. During ...

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  • Rayhan ahmed

    November 13, 2020 at 3:15 pm

    I have just loaded a air Canada Boeing 777
    300 and there was plenty of cargo in
    The belly hold . It could be that air Canada
    Cargo capacity is high we’re they were the
    First airline alongside ElAL to turn 777 s
    Into preighters .