© Edith Layland too much paper help8537556
© Edith Layland

Fewer than a quarter of shippers are “very happy” with the air cargo supply chain – there are continuing demands for less complexity and paper.

In an IATA shippers poll, just 22% said they were “very happy”, and while overall the industry scored a 7/10, 85% of respondents called for more collaboration.

Head of cargo transformation Celina Hourcade said the results indicated the need to modernise the industry was paramount.

“Our Simplifying the Business (StB) cargo programme is aimed at achieving exactly this, and adapting to the modern ...

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  • John O'Brien

    December 08, 2017 at 5:30 pm

    Most shippers and consignee need total visibility of their shipments, progress and delays etc as a total dashboard shared just the same as couriers provide.
    Logistics companies cannot wait for IATA carriers, their GSAs and GHAs etc etc to agree and implement it takes far too long, take a the IATA initiative on eawb program, started 20 years ago and still not carrier integrated. Logistics companies like mine are driving the global integration so we all benefit together with less failures and more optimized processes giving our clients the cloud based data information they need to manage their global supply chains…www.EcomGlobalNetwork.com