pilot Monika Wisniewska
© Monika Wisniewska

Regional freighter flights, including spokes connecting small communities to integrator hubs, are at risk from the worsening pilot shortage in the US, the Regional Air Cargo Carrier Association (RACCA) has warned.

 The lack of flight crews has been seriously aggravated by the introduction of new requirements for commercial airline pilots in 2013, which jacked up the minimum flight hours required six-fold from previously 250 to 1,500 hours, said RACCA president Stan Bernstein.

“We have a serious crisis going on ...

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  • Sherman Kensinga

    June 23, 2016 at 12:59 pm

    The 1500-hour rule is not what has changed this situation. Until the late ’90s, pilots needed thousands of hours to apply at the airlines and cargo carriers. To get those hours they flew military, or they flew night freight alone in single engine planes, or towed banners or instructed. It was tough, often dangerous, and paid little. But there were always far more pilots who did that for thousands of hours, than the airlines could hire.

    Today kids aren’t willing to overcome the hurdle of 1000-hours with an accredited education, and the industry pretends not to know why. Ask the kids, they will tell you, the job is no longer worth the sacrifice. It doesn’t pay well, it requires far more days away than it ever did before, and the flying is automated and monotonous. The future is far from certain, as automation is very likely to replace at least some pilots within the 45+ year career a young person is looking at.

  • Chuck F

    June 23, 2016 at 4:23 pm

    Wow – no mention of starting salaries. Why would a sharp high school grad sink $200k into this career to make 30 grand starting? They’re spending $40k for an education to make big money in IT and other careers with a strong outlook.

    Wonder why it’s the small operators that can’t find pilots – they pay peanuts. Certainly no shortage at the good paying jobs. Pilots commute overseas to fly for carriers that pay well while companies over here complain they can’t find pilots to work for crap wages.