The former CFO of SpiceJet has joined the UK’s Air One group as CFO.

Documents filed to Companies House show Indian national Kirankumar Koteshwar, above, has become a director and CFO of Air One International Holdings, majority shareholder of Air One Services.

Mr Koteshwar was widely acclaimed as SpiceJet’s CFO for nearly 14 years.

He left in 2020 to become CFO of Green Africa, a start-up Nigerian carrier, where he stayed just nine months. He then went to IndiGo, where he was chief programmes officer for just over two years.

He won airline CFO of the year (India) in 2020 and, since he left SpiceJet, the carrier has seen three CFOs attempt the role.

The Air One-related companies’ structure is highly complex. At least four companies are connected with the airline. The airline One Air is connected to Air One Aviation, which used to be called Chartersphere, and before that, Sky Cargo Charters. It is also related to Air One International Holdings, which used to be called The Red Fort London, and prior to that, 360 Content.

That now owns Air One Services, formerly Sportsmanship UK. It seems instead of starting new companies, the directors use existing companies they are connected to, and simply change the name and directors.

Mr Koteshwar will no doubt have much to do.

One Air recently received its third 747-400F from another related airline, AeroTransCargo, on a five-year lease. It clearly retained the AirBridgeCargo/ Cargologicair livery – but had added ‘One Air’.

One Air

Photo: One Air


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