More blanked sailings: 'Carriers will not sit on their hands while rates collapse'
Despite large parts of the Chinese workforce continuing to enjoy the new year holiday, there ...
Container carriers are expected to provide more deepsea capacity out of Asia over the Chinese New Year holiday, beginning 12 February, than in any other year.
Announced blank sailings for what is normally shipping’s slack season are far fewer this year than previously, according to data from liner database eeSea’s Blank Sailings Tracker.
It shows that, across the transpacific, Asia-Europe and transatlantic trades, just 1.7% and 0.6% of head haul sailings have so far been cancelled in February and March respectively, compared ...
Up to $1.5m fee for every Chinese-built box ship calling at a US port
Carriers warn of cargo disruption due to strikes at Munich Airport
$1.5m China-built ship charge would bring return of US port congestion
MSC switches bigger box ships to higher-paying trades in 'landmark' move
Sanctions-busting forwarder jailed, while Europe 'ramps up the pressure'
Business calls for end to French port strikes, but unions plan more
Taiwan and South Korea lines don't fear US levy on Chinese ships
Carriers put on a brave face amid further decline in ocean spot rates
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