Chinese New Year rush and threat of tariffs leaves box ports congested
The Chinese factory rush to get goods out before the new year holiday, and the ...
Ocean carriers could be on course to make a profit of $100bn this year.
And Drewry says their medium-term profitability is virtually assured, due to a paucity of supply.
Even with the flood of orders for newbuild containerships stemmed for delivery in 2023 likely to break all-time records for an injection of liner capacity – and potentially tip the supply-demand scales back in favour of shippers – carrier profits in the interim will see them “set up for years to come” says ...
Semiconductors could compensate for air freight's lost ecommerce traffic
'It’s healthy competition' Maersk tells forwarders bidding for same business
'Weakened' Maersk paying a heavy price for its lack of fleet growth
Transpacific sees first major MSC blanks as rates fall and volumes falter
US shippers slam USTR port fee plan – 'an apocalypse for trade'
Opposition builds for final hearing on US plan to tax Chinese box ship calls
Despite sourcing shifts, 'don't write-off China', says CMA CGM CCO
Calling all shippers!
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