
Shippers with cargo stranded on the fire-stricken Yantian Express are still in the dark on when or where they might be likely to receive their goods.

An update from vessel owner Hapag-Lloyd this week advised customers it would take another fortnight for the discharging and inspections of boxes damaged in the fire.

The blaze broke out, in early January, in a container stowed on the 7,500 teu vessel en route to the Canadian port of Halifax.

It spread to other boxes as heavy ...

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  • Frederik deCockBuning

    March 21, 2019 at 3:47 pm

    as said before this is a poor show from HL . hope they have done a good investigation as where the fire started , who was the shipper/cargo owner – who was responsible for packing . wo’nt be surprised that this was a ‘middle man’ and not an original
    first class exporter who now might suffer from other mens poor behaviour..