Maersk Line vessel alongside at DP World London Gateway

Maersk says it expects to see “early signs of a pre-Chinese New Year rush in December”, and is advising customers to plan their supply chains “well ahead”.

It also notes that inventory levels in Europe and the US are at their lowest on record and that, even when retail demand declines, “we will see cargo volumes continue to remain strong” as inventory levels are rebuilt.

The carrier said it was taking steps to “rationalise” its service coverage and reduce the number of ...

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  • Stuart McLean

    October 03, 2021 at 8:03 am

    How stupid is this article.will Maersk tell us how to plan ahead ? We have clients that plan ahead one in particular plans 10FEUper week every week 52 weeks a year Maersk ship them they offload at a Malaysian port and connects with the next sailing where client has 10 containers on this vessel which are not offloaded on arrival Felixstowe the client has 20containers arriving on same vessel and as client can only take 2contr a day pays demurrage on 10 x40ft without any help from MAersk on DD Carriers are all same DD is a source of additional income. Greedy companies .