Photo: PIT

Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) hopes to become the ‘Liege’ of the US – but also plans to lure in freighters with the promise of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Nicely positioned between New York and Chicago, Pittsburgh has had a chequered history since 9/11 when passenger numbers shrank – although the vast majority of US carriers do operate there. But, along with several other secondary US airports, PIT sees growth in cargo.

“There was a huge gut punch when the steel industry left ...

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  • Richard Zablocki

    June 12, 2023 at 9:06 pm

    I have worked with Bryan Dietz and the PIT airport management team in the past and I can honestly say they have perhaps one of the best organizations to support air cargo operations. They truly offer a low cost and flexible style of operations that could function nicely as an air cargo hub for a cargo carrier looking to establish a North American center of operations.

    Rich Zablocki
    Former Air VP/CEVA (retired)