Missing EU Already Photo 171062693 © Nicoleta Raluca Tudor Dreamstime.com
© Nicoleta Raluca Tudor Dreamstime.com

Brexit is gutting the UK’s small and medium sized enterprises (SME), they claim, with many having seen their core European markets vanish overnight as they struggle to contend with increased bureaucracy and costs of trading.

And meanwhile, EU exporters benefit from the UK’s lack of controls.

Some 6.5% of British businesses closed between 2020 and 2021, only the second decline in 20 years and substantively higher than 2017/18’s 0.5% dip, and while the pandemic had its own impact, many SMEs blame the ...

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  • Robert Windsor

    May 09, 2022 at 1:14 pm

    Interesting article- a myth was that that the UKs membership of the EU only helped big business. In reality small business was a big beneficiary because many of the costs associated with moving goods are proportionately much higher for smaller businesses.

    Rees Mogg statement did make reference to not introducing the changes in July 2022 would mean business not incurring £1billion in extra costs, which is a telling statement.