More blanked sailings: 'Carriers will not sit on their hands while rates collapse'
Despite large parts of the Chinese workforce continuing to enjoy the new year holiday, there ...
Ocean carrier voyage results could soon start appearing in red ink as freight rates flirt with breakeven levels on major east-west tradelanes.
Although the container spot rate crash appears to have bottomed-out in the past few weeks, annual contract rates are also now in sharp decline.
According to Drewry’s latest Container Insight report, carriers have “lost control of the container market” by failing to manage capacity and will “act on capacity only when they are forced to do so by heavy losses”.
The ...
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Ocean carriers hold contract rates 'at a decent level', as spots tumble
US DoJ charges aerospace firm with smuggling aircraft parts to Russia
Congestion at Vancouver worsens – but it's not all the port's fault
Carriers should 'share some of the risk', say shippers eyeing new contracts
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