Solid interims plus insight from Prologis – Asian 3PLs, inventory & data centres
More of the same but more of the rest too
Warehousing landlords are poised to make more money this year without adding to their footprint, as despite slowing demand leasing rates are expected to rise.
The slower economic conditions last year did not put a dent in the upward momentum of warehouse costs, the US lease rate climbing 20.6% since 2022, to a record $9.72 per sq ft, according to datafrom real estate giant Colliers.
However, the upward momentum in industrial real estate rents slowed in the second half of the year, ...
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TPM: Forwarders need 'clout' to survive as the ocean carriers move in
Maersk vessel forced to omit Cape Town as congestion mounts
Resumption of Suez transits in doubt after return of Red Sea hostilities
Cyber-attacks a bigger threat to cargo owners than cargo ships
US CBP sees 90% fall in revenue last month; airfreight sees ecomm slide
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