US warehouse space will be at a premium this year, cargo owners warned
Prologis ended 2024 on a high note. The commercial real estate behemoth leased 61m sq ...
You may recall the wise remarks from Prologis (PLD) CFO Tim Arndt at a Bank of America conference held in September, when he safely dismissed the threat of ’US ports strike 1.0’ the following month, instead talking election risk as being the biggest one impacting the trade.
Almost five months on and two aborted strikes later, there’s a bit on the outlook from San Francisco that surely deserves a word or two, but we’ll leave that for next week – there’s bigger ...
Chaos swirls in wake of Trump de minimis move
More blanked sailings: 'Carriers will not sit on their hands while rates collapse'
Maersk eyes 'cut and run' moves as port congestion brings delays
Maersk paying $100,000 a day to charter scarce post-panamax box ships
De minimis cut won't hurt demand for Chinese ecommerce, but for air cargo?
Gemini and logistics growth now the focus as APMM posts healthy profits
DSV hits back in 'bait and switch' case, claiming deal was not legally binding
India eyes dedicated container line to wean shippers off foreign carriers
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