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The first A321 conversion, for Titan Airways

The first A321 freighter conversion has been delivered to Titan Airways, but one consultant has warned that the market could overheat and the large number of conversions is “not without risk” for aircraft owners.

The A321 conversion is the first of “several” aircraft lessor BBAM has contracted with Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW).

“The delivery of the A321 P2F marks the first lease of this aircraft type in the world,” said Steve Zissis, president of BBAM.

“We are working with ST Engineering, Airbus and EFW on ...

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  • Rayhan ahmed

    January 11, 2021 at 3:03 pm

    P2F conversion is now at its peck even the
    E190/95 is now up for P2F it reasons
    To be cheerful part one but about what part 2 ???
    Part two might be dragging out retired B747 400’s
    From the desert to Implement P2F