US warehouse lease rates climb even as demand for space slows
Warehousing landlords are poised to make more money this year without adding to their footprint, ...
European letter carriers are preparing for a new regime for low-value commercial letter mail entering the European Union (EU), which calls for electronic submission of shipment data in advance.
With values below national de minimis levels for personal consumption, these shipments do not require clearance, but they have to be declared.
The new framework is due to come into effect across the EU on January 1, 2021, concurrent with the mandatory implementation of advanced digital data systems for customs and transport ...
Freightmate 'a product of theft, not ingenuity' says Flexport
Ceva Logistics UK named and shamed as a 'serial late-payer'
China hits out at Hutchison plan to sell Panama port holdings to MSC
Liners plan more rate hikes to halt renewed container spot rates decline
Mercedes-Benz places record order for SAF with DB Schenker
TPM: Forwarders need 'clout' to survive as the ocean carriers move in
White House can't see that trade war will hit US agriculture hardest
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