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The French government’s attempts to impose a transit tax on heavy goods vehicles have been left in disarray following last week’s indefinite suspension of the introduction of its ‘écotaxe’.

The écotaxe was to apply to all goods transport vehicles over 3.5 tonnes using the 15,000km French national road network (‘N’ roads). Motorway users – both lorries and cars – already pay tolls through the péage system.

However, the écotaxe has been fated since it was conceived as far back as 2008 as part ...

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  • ReturnLoads

    October 15, 2014 at 9:15 am

    So they backed down again, i think they need to think of better ways of getting the finances as this just doesn’t seem to work for them.

  • Montori

    October 15, 2014 at 3:32 pm

    This seems to be a real goal to the INEA’S policies in favor of intermodal traffics, and development of M.O.S. South/North e, West/east europe