So long then, Polar Air Cargo, and thanks for all the theatrics
An uncontrollable carrier?
If you can listen in, this is quite an interesting (and short) exchange between DHL’s Frank Appel and European Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni. Mr Appel urges the EC to reduce the number of regulations, especially when it comes to the Green Deal. “Don’t regulate which energy should solve the problem. Industry should solve the problem, not regulators.” He also urges a “good deal” with the UK post-Brexit. He argued that “costs at the border have a zero growth impact. It’s just ...
Freightmate 'a product of theft, not ingenuity' says Flexport
China hits out at Hutchison plan to sell Panama port holdings to MSC
Liners plan more rate hikes to halt renewed container spot rates decline
TPM: Forwarders need 'clout' to survive as the ocean carriers move in
Maersk vessel forced to omit Cape Town as congestion mounts
Resumption of Suez transits in doubt after return of Red Sea hostilities
Cyber-attacks a bigger threat to cargo owners than cargo ships
US CBP sees 90% fall in revenue last month; airfreight sees ecomm slide
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