Ottowa Truckers Freedom Protest Photo 242039983 © Michel Elzo
© Michel Elzo

Protests by Canadian truckers against the nation’s vaccine mandate for cross-border trucking are spawning similar plans south of the border.

At least three groups of US truckers are planning treks to Washington to choke traffic around the US capital.

A group calling itself the “People’s Convoy” announced they would be leaving today from two locations near Victorville, California, to protest against US emergency regulations to combat the pandemic that the White House extended last week.

They are also calling for an end to ...

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  • Roger Harrison

    February 23, 2022 at 4:41 pm

    How about sharing all the facts about the Canadian Convoy! It was a few truckers, and a bunch of anti-vaxxers.
    90% of Canadian drivers have been vaxxed.