© Dezzor

German premium car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz’s decision to cut its freight costs by 10% from 1 February, resulting in a corresponding reduction in freight rates, has caused uproar among the country’s SME road hauliers serving the industry; they see the move as squeezing already slim margins further.

Industry federation BGL claimed such a move, thought to be industry-wide, lacke legitimacy and it would push its members out of a market of “ruinous” rates in favour of low-cost providers from Eastern Europe, and ...

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  • Jakub Zawidzki

    February 03, 2025 at 9:47 am

    Very interesting.
    I thought contracts are bilateral and customer can’t decide about rates by himself. Something I don’t understand here.
    Secondly there is one very worrying and short term vision conclusion coming from this article: thread are Central and Eastern carriers who are part of European Union, not Chinees forwarders growing on our market, not duties which will be imposed by USA.
    How short term and stupid approach in western Europe and Germany there is. Very disappointing.
    Instead of being united and face external risk, defend European market we will fight internally. IN Washington, Pekin and Moscow they are already opening Champagne, celebrating stupidity of EU.