simon ball

Simon Ball, one of many AirBridgeCargo veterans to find themselves in the job market, has joined Ceva Logistics as global operational key account management head.

Mr Ball was with the Russian carrier for 15 years, most recently as GE aviation key account manager for Europe, but also held the roles of deputy ground operations manager EMEA and operations manager Frankfurt.

Mr Ball said he was “really looking forward to being a part of this world-class team”.

ABC’s staff are gradually finding new opportunities throughout the industry. The airline is no longer operating, while its European arms, Cargologic Germany and the UK’s Cargologicair, have also ceased operations, the former filing for insolvency this month. There have been no corporate updates filed to UK Companies House by Cargologicair or Volga-Dnepr UK since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Mr Ball joins Ceva at an exciting time for the company, as owner CMA CGM develops a vertically integrated group. It has acquired Gefco and, last week, announced a partnership with Air France-KLM and a merger of freighter operations.

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