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In the fourth episode of The Loadstar Podcast, Mike King is joined by The Loadstar’s news editor Nick Savvides to examine the latest efforts of the Biden administration and the Federal Maritime Commission to tackle shipping costs,

They’re joined by Stifel’s Bruce Chan to explore why he thinks structurally higher air cargo prices might be here to stay.

And a leading SME shipper, Kent Anderson of Tsune America, explains the damaging impact of supply chain delays on his business.

Mike is also joined by BIMCO chief shipping analyst Peter Sand for an in-depth examination of freight rates and the demand and supply outlook for container shipping.

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This episode’s guests:

Peter Sand, chief shipping analyst, BIMCO

Bruce Chan, transportation analyst, Stifel

Kent Anderson, president, Tsune America

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Air freight and container rates data provided by The Baltic Exchange’s BAI and FBX indices – trusted data for transport markets

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