Chinese New Year rush and threat of tariffs leaves box ports congested
The Chinese factory rush to get goods out before the new year holiday, and the ...
UK container imports offloaded at Antwerp, Rotterdam and Zeebrugge could be stranded for weeks before they can be relayed back, potentially missing out on the Christmas market.
Ships diverted from the heavily congested hub ports of Felixstowe, Southampton and London Gateway have mostly discharged their UK imports at the Benelux ports, but now carriers are struggling with their relay options.
Moreover, Antwerp and Rotterdam are reported to be “very full” across all of their box terminals, and The Loadstar understands carriers are ...
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Comment on this article
Clive Broadhead
November 18, 2020 at 1:22 pmLooks like there a good case for making better use of the Euro container terminal in Liverpool to cover the West Midlands and providing a new container terminal on the Humber Estuary at Hull for Yorkshire and the North East
Mike Wackett
November 18, 2020 at 1:34 pmNormally I would agree Clive. But this is a perfect storm – there are just no open feeder ships in North Europe at the moment.
November 19, 2020 at 10:44 pmThey are not taking bookings from UK, even though they are all piled up. China have recalled all containers, they want them back before Chinese New Year
Ruth Peyton
November 22, 2020 at 9:45 pmBeyond a joke at present…… Gated in at Qingdao 14th September……. discharged Antwerp 14th November …. missed one feeder…… no guarantee of feeder arriving 29th in Teesport. Hampers for Christmas……Food bought……. already have 5 x 40HC missing arriving in time. Thought these would make it……… Merry Christmas customers………
Lyndon Dupont
December 08, 2020 at 1:40 pmLet’s hold the port authorities and shipping companies accountable – by working together.
Please sign and share this petition –
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