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Short-sighted airlines that invest in cool chain products but squeeze ground handlers on price, are doing their customers a disservice, according to perishables forwarders.

They are urging ground handlers to lift their game in the cold chain, warning that insufficient investment threatens to become an Achilles heel for perishables shipped by air – despite significant investment by airlines.

Advances in packaging, technology and visibility have led to marked improvements in the chain, but forwarders are concerned about handlers’ ability to raise their game sufficiently.

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  • Gary D. Ogden (C.E.O. GTA dnata)

    May 03, 2017 at 2:54 pm

    On behalf of the Ground Service Provider community, Id like to thank you for this enlightening piece. Your article and contributors have made it clear, that in order to satisfy the growing needs of PER and Pharma (and the transparency required from us), that Airlines MUST stop this ‘race to the floor’ in how they treat their handling partners.

    In YYZ, we at GTA dnata adopted the “if you build it, they will come” approach with respect to investment in CRT’s and fortunately, we now have several strong brands in our Warehouse Facility, who are benefitting from the specialization that has been afforded to them.

  • BO LIU

    May 06, 2017 at 5:52 am

    it is shame for forwders to open their mouth with such comments. Fund from GHAs are not squzzed by airlines, but by agents and shippers.