failing grayling
Chris Grayling

UK transport secretary Chris Grayling may have broken the law by awarding contracts for ro-ro services in the event of a no-deal Brexit, by not having first put them up for public tender.

The Transport Select Committee is investigating allegations that the situation did not meet the criteria for an emergency exemption, in breach of both EU and UK law.

On 28 December, the Department for Transport (DfT) announced it had contracted Brittany Ferries, DFDS and Seaborne Freight to provide additional ro-ro ...

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  • Annie

    February 04, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    It was hardly an “emergency situation” needing immediate action by the DfT. Brexit and the possibility of a no deal scenario has been going on for a very long time. The Seaborne contract is a farce in my opinion. It has been dragging on with no contract between Seaborne and the local Thanet District Council, no contract between Belgium and Seaborne and no contract between TDC and Belgium. What’s to like and trust about Seaborne Aviation, without proper due diligence?