
Like many other companies this year, The Loadstar made the sad decision to leave its London office and become a virtual team – for now.

Unlike most other companies though, The Loadstar’s office was on a 1924-built Dutch barge, which originally plied the waters of the Netherlands with cargoes of bulk. Luxemotor Sagitta came to live in the UK some 14 years ago.

The team made the decision to move the barge out of London, to a new mooring near Felixstowe. And ...

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  • michael sales

    December 24, 2020 at 10:34 am

    We wish you all a very good and successful year in your new home. Thanks for your excellent news coverage. MS

  • James

    January 05, 2021 at 6:50 am

    Happy new year and thanks for all the great reads. Wish you the best in your new moorings and for 2021. Think it will be an interesting year in the logistics industry.

    Keep safe and positive.

  • ragstorichesmoving

    January 16, 2021 at 10:56 am

    Great post.


The Loadstar