The supply chain year of re-modelling, responding and re-routing
This year began with war still raging in Ukraine, but as 2023 enters its final ...
22 May 2023, Singapore
PSA International Pte Ltd (“PSA”), a leading global ports and supply chain solutions provider, and Kazakhstan Railways (“KTZ”), the operator of the main railway network of the Republic of Kazakhstan, have signed an agreement to establish a joint venture company (“Agreement”), KPMC Ltd (“KPMC”). KPMC will promote the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), enhancing connectivity and trade flows from Southeast Asia and China, through Kazakhstan, and beyond to Europe. The Agreement is subject to ...
Semiconductors could compensate for air freight's lost ecommerce traffic
'It’s healthy competition' Maersk tells forwarders bidding for same business
'Weakened' Maersk paying a heavy price for its lack of fleet growth
US shippers slam USTR port fee plan – 'an apocalypse for trade'
Transpacific sees first major MSC blanks as rates fall and volumes falter
Opposition builds for final hearing on US plan to tax Chinese box ship calls
Despite sourcing shifts, 'don't write-off China', says CMA CGM CCO
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