Young recruits desperately needed to beat global truck driver shortage
International road transport association the IRU has reiterated warnings that the global truck driver shortage has ...
The problems of recruiting younger people into the haulage industry, as a way of solving the driver shortage crisis, was revealed by a new report released by a UK Parliamentary group yesterday.
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The chairman of the group, Stoke-on-Trent MP Rob Flello, said that ...
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Comment on this article
steve dearman
Daniel Benouarets.
March 25, 2015 at 11:22 amI agree with the fact about the wage not covering the work that goes into driving HGVs. However, automatic gearboxes I do not believe had anything to do with this, it is simply more economical to have auto’s. I believe it more has something to do with the CPC. For example, I paid £500 to do my intial CPC and it was just a pointless effort. But hey I’m not complaining will make them care more about the drivers they already had.
P.S gears aren’t that hard.
steve dearman
March 25, 2015 at 2:34 pmHi Daniel ‘i thought that would catch someones attention as a ex haulier ‘and who has worked with lorries all my life ‘i am just giving my view as indeed you have. it may well be you find autos driver friendly and certainly VOLVO seems to have got it right ‘but alas other truck makers such as Daf merc don,t get it right. as you rightly say ‘gears are not that hard but there are many out there who can’t take out a manual box ‘say a ZF 4X4 with splitter or Eaton 13 speed or 16 speed multi box let alone air or electric two speed axles. and further more if driven right manual set ups can return good fuel returns. all i’m saying is ‘i like to be in control of the lorry and many old gits like me out there feel the same ‘in the last 40 years i’ve watched our industry down rated in wages and conditions. ‘skills like i learnt such roping and sheeting and changing wheels are in the main no longer needed that;s progress ‘but now with autos right across the board i think its not so much economy more a case of any mug can drive it for peanuts and the accident rate increases every day so to sum up i like to be in control ‘i like to pull away smoothly and not have the motor ‘die across the roundabout because it can;t decide what gear it wants to be in or pull away in when reversing in a busy high street with a single axle trailer or A frame draw bar on to a depot loading bank it’s a manual box for me.kind regards steve.
February 13, 2015 at 9:55 amdriver behaviour software systems, pay decent rates, be realistic sbout how many drops a driver can do in any one day, and then, maybe, just maybe, you may see people starting to show an interest.
Fade up
February 20, 2015 at 7:35 pmWages are just a joke, I say to would be drivers don’t bother!!! You work long long hours and get paid peanuts, you stay out and get paid £23 per night some companies don’t pay you for nights out!! People in general look at you like a dumb foolish fool….the list goes on. It can be a good profession but a lot has to be done. For now avoid!!
Been driving for 10 years just left recently.
February 21, 2015 at 7:26 amHGV class 2 should be minimum £10 An hour and then class 1 should be around the £13 region £30 a night out and pay for Parkin you earn more stockin shelves at the supermarket when we drivers are at maximum risks and get peanuts we are the ones who work unsociable hours long hours away from out family’s. We are the proper workers who deserve much much more
nick lyons
February 26, 2015 at 12:13 pmToday ‘i sit at home in Hatfield with clean licence and 28 years of driving behind me. ‘before Christmas us long term lads on agency based at one of the local transport logistic companies ‘asked for a increase in hourly rate. the hourly rate when up a pound after the busy Xmas period and the work stayed steady daily….good yea until the agency ‘decided when it got busy again to employ lots of new drivers mostly eastern European on a lower hourly rate… ‘guess which drivers get the work every day ‘no matter how much damage is done to the trucks….is matters not if they can,t reverse a artic its all about cheap cheap cheap….. believe me ‘this logistics company and this type of agency are the real reason people like me and others have had enough.
March 03, 2015 at 2:46 pmAll I ever wanted to do as a kid was to be a driver. I became a driver and after a month realised it’s rubbish! Stay away!! Like everyone else has said, it’s low paid, you are away from home all week, and you’re treated by everyone as though you’re as thick as shit.
Drivers used to be professionals, and now the industry is on its arse.
This guy in the article is saying we need more young drivers, but it’s not more young drivers we need, it’s fewer overseas workers coming and doing the job for even less money than we are! How can we compete with them? If they are doing a week’s work for £300? It’s a joke!
If he wants to get more young people in to driving, then they need to sort out the cost of training (£2k+ at the min in my area) and the cost of insurance.
I’m only 24 and been driving since I was 18 and I find it difficult if I want to change employers because I’m under 25. It’s pathetic! Just because I’m 24 I still have a family to feed and need to keep a roof over their heads. Why allow me to have a HGV licence but make it stupidly difficult to get a firm to take me on. Luckily I’m in a steady job, but it takes some doing.
March 23, 2015 at 1:54 pmThis is typical of government. Totally unaware of the real world.
Long hours for shit pay. That’s why you have a decline in driver numbers. Also drivers are treated like second class citizens.
Treat us like people with fare pay.!!!!
And you will have your work force. Not rocket science really is it.
But oh!! You don’t want to pay us underlings do you.
April 16, 2015 at 6:28 pmIn Canada to hire a driver they pay $.52 a mile solo or $.62 team plus $21.00 per hour for dock and B.C. time. The companies paying less than that can not get or keep lorry drivers. Your wage are way too low for the cost of living in your country. In Canada a new car cost $15,000 or 8,000 lb.
peter street
May 03, 2015 at 7:43 pmSome interesting comments, shame about some of the language, I have been driving artics for 34 years, the industry has always been a low paid one, over my time driving,the trucks have come on leaps and bounds but the road side facilities have not, we work unsociable hours which are between 12-14 hours a day minus breaks, we sleep by the roadside or equally noisy motorway sevice areas perhaps snatching 5 hours sleep before a 15 hour day we have to be mindful of drivers hours and the working time directive or suffer a fine, we queue we are carved up daily, for most of us it is only our skill that avoids a accident, over the years I have learnt how to work the job to its advantages, but to bring a family up on the money a local driver gets is not possible, and who wants to be away all week to get the extra money if you have a young family, research has shown that the frontal cortex, the part of the brain used for judgement is not fully developed until the age of 24, why then have we reduced the age from 21,allowing teenagers to drive some of the largest vehicles on the road? I say to insurance companys keep premiums high for the under 24 age group there is enough death on our roads without us adding to it.ö
Hernan Perez
May 12, 2015 at 12:46 amThe main problem is the wage, Forget about searching for other problem to justify the LGV driver shortage crisis. It is pure bad salary !!
June 23, 2015 at 3:06 pmI’m looking to get into the business of driving a lorry on a C licence. Maybe naively after reading the comments posted, but does anybody have any advice for a beginner like me, other than ‘don’t bother’? I’m 41 with a clean driving licence.
October 16, 2015 at 5:44 pmDon’t bother.
rod james
October 18, 2015 at 9:32 pmYeah! seriously don’t bother! its a waste of a career, you will earn rubbish pay, get stressed constantly, and have no decent home life. Hope this helps?
October 19, 2015 at 9:14 amI spent £4,000 on training / CPC / licences and tests during the summer, and so far I have had 4 days of UNPAID work. 1 day through an agency, and 3 days at Seven Lincs in Felixstowe. I’ve had enough.
April 05, 2016 at 4:58 pmThanks Francis, for letting us know how its been for you, a newly qualified Driver.
I’ve been thinking for a fair few months, about joining the Haulage Industry,but I had some doubts in my mind – especially with the cost of obtaining a Class 2 Licence.
Reading your comment, plus what other Drivers have had to say, has helped me make my mind up – the Haulage companies can go and screw it, if that’s the way it treats its Drivers!
I’ve put myself in a difficult position though, as I need to find a new Career soon, and I have no real skills to help me get a new Job.
rod James
April 06, 2016 at 9:26 amMartin,
Quite a few people are in the same boat, but take it from me it’s not really a career, or a profession for that matter, drivers are generally regarded as mindless morons by transport managers, I did 30 odd years of driving all sorts of trucks including class 2, it’s not worth giving a second thought to anymore believe me.
July 01, 2015 at 9:55 pmI think the wages are far too low in a class 2 hi-ab driver with more qualifacations than most, and I’m taking home about £340 a week working for a agency. My father-in law was taking that home a week 30 years ago.
I’m 46 and I’ve never been able to get a mortgage on this sort of wage. I’m looking to get out of the industry. I’m just fed up with the way I’m treated on the roads and even when someone just pulls out of a side turning without even looking, and smashes in to my rear wheels, it’s my fault, or it’s the company I’m working for, and the government for letting hgvs drive on the roads. I think every one in this country forgets – if we all stopped driving and delivering stuff, how long would it take for the country to come to a standstill? I meet people that seem to think we block up the road and that we are all stupid.
I don’t normally get involved in these sort of comments but I’ve just had it with driving.
July 06, 2015 at 11:32 pmLet all us profesional drivers chuck our keys in and refuse to work for 2 weeks . Then we will soon see mass panic and hysteria set in as the whole country comes to a f****** standstill ! Once schools,hospitals, petrol stations& supermarkets start to shut down,the ignorant public,arseholelogistical companys/ agencies and authorities might just come to realise, what an important role truckers play in the stability and ongoing growth of the economy. Better pay and conditions NOW !! .
July 07, 2015 at 9:09 amAmen to that Andy!!
November 25, 2015 at 7:01 pmPaid £9.50 ten years ago, today at the same company the wages are 11.76. And thats for getting out of my bed at 0130 every morning and two weekend of out of every 10.
Cant see me wanting to do this for much longer.
September 11, 2016 at 9:50 pmI said the same thing to misses 5 mins ago
British people have stood together and voted for our amazing country to exit the EU
We all need to stand together on all these issues
Also have seen some comments about EU drivers will work for less money but they don’t if u calculate the figures properly they are also get working and family tax credits housing benefit
Realistically we are better drivers on many levels communication being the key value(lol) my point being the extra wages we earn because of our competence our tax pays for them to earn more than we do
So what benefit to the industries do EU citizens bring to ours?!
In my point of view none because it cost us in so many ways for them to be here NHS SCHOOLS and the key facts about subsidies to there wages I could go on and on but I take it u all get that I ain’t a stupid lorry driver as most transport managers think but an educated professional driver
I’m not racist(I’m mixed race)
Just smart enough to know we all should make a stand
I would gladly take the time off to strike and I’m sure we would all be surprised at how many people would take a stand too as there’s so many key issues that we all have a problem with in one way or another
I work agency now as permanent jobs don’t pay enough and have done for last two yrs now
I think all wages need to be increased as EU drivers that are here would make better money also to take the burden of our key rescourses
The politicians kept talking about the money we put into the EU and how much comes back but regardless of the figures nobody should decide where our tax paying money should go but us we elect people to decide that not EU officials who don’t know what we need as they ain’t here
I’m not part of a union but would like to join one if it had true British values if anyone know of one please could u forward it to me
Thank u all for taking time to read my comment
July 22, 2015 at 2:34 pmInteresting comments from all. So you see, they all point to the same main complaints which the Politions and Logistic Sector choose to ignore which is: Pay and conditions, which we drivers have waited and never got for those years! Serves the UK Logistic Sector right if the Ticking Time Bomb goes OFF!
August 07, 2015 at 9:13 am26 years – same problem of low pay low respect. But if the government what the pay agencies taxpayers money to get wages low. Would it be possible that all drivers have one sicky, on one day, say 21st December 2015. Probably not. They never stick together. Only the French do.
October 16, 2015 at 7:38 pmCure to this ongoing problem
October 25, 2015 at 9:26 pmTruck drivers, do not stick together, therefore, nothing will ever change !!!!!
September 11, 2016 at 10:33 amThe english full stop don’t stick together , the government has got one thing right , and that’s how to make us all be too dependant on low wages and government top ups , creating a trap so we won’t rise Against the system , there will always be someone willin to jump in the seat , as he needs to feed his family , the government are not as stupid as they seem, they are doing it all on purpose , get young kids in that were previously unemployed , on low wages keeping wages low , they know no better , to them it feels like they hit gold
October 25, 2015 at 9:32 pmSome drivers are quite happy with chrome wheel trims, rather than a decent wage rise.
Agencies, I think, have caused a lot of the problems in the transport industry, supplying drivers at cheaper rates, so they get the work, over another agency, drivers are used as a means of making money for people.
October 28, 2015 at 1:22 pmIts like everything else in life the good times have gone. I was fortunate enough to gain both PSV and HGV for less than £1000 in the mid 90’s. Earning potential was good then. No phones or CB’s in the lorry so once you were out of the yard the day was yours. I left the industry in 2000 and have never looked back.
The industry is now so over regulated its at the point of extinction. The advent of the driver CPC has killed it. It doesn’t make the driver any better or worse. I’ve heard stories of drivers falling asleep of sheer boredom. Who in there right mind is going to fork out £3000 for a licence, put up with EU red tape and face the prospects of prosecution and loosing their shiny new licence on their first trip back from Calais with a trailer full of migrants! There is ABSOLUTLEY no incentive to get involved in this industry and the shortage will deepen. If your going to invest money in any training you need to see a good return.
October 28, 2015 at 1:50 pmI spent £4,000 on training and it was a complete and utter waste of money. The agencies are absolutely useless, the pay is disgraceful, the transport managers are crude slave driving monsters, the hours are long and the work is dirty and (most worryingly) dangerous. Horrible and expensive experience.
Andy England
August 28, 2016 at 1:55 amI wish I had gone into construction. Even their forklift drivers get paid more than us.
Stephen baird
November 18, 2015 at 6:57 amIt’s all bull shot really. I came from a catering background and the wages.. hours etc are no better really.. I was offered the other day 3 weeks class 2 work in Glasgow. I live in Edinburgh. The rate was £7.40 per hour. Take off fuel etc.. minimum wage. A total disgrace. So to sum up. If you don’t want to be a “choice of last resort” don’t pay catering type wages.
dan foyle
January 10, 2016 at 5:12 pmi think the main reason is that we are poorly paid for doing a professional job thats why peolpe are leaving the industry and nobody wants to come into the profession .Also the standard of driving in this counrty i feel is very poor,the road systems are poor,there is to much red tape involved with driving LGV’s these day as well because of the drivers CPC and the forever changing rules and regs
john acaster
January 18, 2016 at 5:47 pmThe Failure to mention that most good hgv drivers leave the transport industry due to the poor pay . for such a professional job . can you not see . that until the pay rises for such a stressful job . you will not keep what good drivers you have , and will not encourage the younger sector . all you will do is encourage the the uncaring and unqualified to take up the role . and this will lead to the poor condition of the industry now . with accidents and the poor transport of goods .
wee need to put the hgv job up there with the professionals .. better pay better training .
Matthew Webster
February 03, 2016 at 5:17 pmMaybe if the politicians read this then that might help come up with a solution.
Every HGV driver feels the same. I’m a 33 year old tanker driver moving chemicals around, a lot worse than petrol I’ll tell you. 9.50 an hour, and 65 is the average age at my place, some are 70. They’ll retire soon.
Trouble is.. politicians know there’s naf all industry for men like us (not academic etc). So we will slowly be filtered out with eastern Europeans to take our place just like most other sectors now. Either start using your unions to FIGHT! or simply change your job and bring these money-grabbing firms to their knees. Force a decent wage. If you’re self-employed, stay self-employed. It’s a better rate in my experience.
February 04, 2016 at 4:23 pmIm reading all of these comments and if I take everything as read, I must have made a big mistake deciding to train as a trucker. I was aware of the payscales, red tape and all the crap that comes with the job as I did my research before-hand. But I want to drive hgv’s. Never got the chance before as couldn’t afford the training but saved up and here I am. Start class 2 in a couple of weeks then class 1 later on. Looking forward to learning a new skill. I was in a really stressful job before (emergency services) and I have to say that when talking about my previous job, my thoughts echo yours. Bad pay/conditons etc. but aren’t most jobs in the UK like this now? A newly qualified doctor on hospital rounds earns around £24,000 following 6 years of training costing £100,000 in fees, usually loaned. That doctor’s pay will increase over time but he/she will still have to pay back that money. The country is on its arse, that’s for sure but im a worker and I live in the UK and making the best out of a bad situation.
Andy England
August 28, 2016 at 1:51 amIt is a little different if you dreamt of doing the job. However, most doctors don’t ‘fall in to it’. Chances are, if you’ve dreamed of driving HGV’s then you’ll love it, at least at first. But just because newly trained Dr’s are getting the shitty end of the stick now doesn’t make it right that we are. They tried it out on the working class, and now they’re bringing the middle class into i as well. The difference being that your Dr. will be on 40g + in 5 year or so, you’ll still be on 24,000 give or take. Still loving it?
Andy England
August 28, 2016 at 1:53 amTotally agree.
February 04, 2016 at 1:43 pmI agree with all that has been said. But do you ever hear the MPs or haulage companies saying anything about the wages or terms and conditions we have to work in. I also believe the likes of Eddy Stobart are to blame for crap wages. When all he pays the guys in Leeds is £8.75 an hour. If I had my time again I would have done something else.
Too late now.
26 years driving.
rod James
February 04, 2016 at 4:36 pmI’m glad I got out when I did, first it was tachographs, then it was tracking and driver behaviour software, and then the final insult CPC, good luck to anyone who still wants to be in this game where the employer doesn’t trust you, the government is trying to screw you, and the salary doesn’t keep a decent roof over your head.
Remus Tomoiaga
February 19, 2016 at 1:47 amI am Remus, 22 years old. I’m a class 1 driver with 3 days’ experience (after 3 days they said the insurance is too high and I got kicked) and I cannot find a job – even class 2. I held cat B for 4 years. I am an excellent driver. If anyone cares about this situation, I’m glad and I hope someone will help me. I have been looking for this kind a job for two months.
mick pumford
February 24, 2016 at 5:56 amInteresting article, Only yesterday I was contacted by Ben Doughty of indeed about calling to discuss a driver vacancy however, In the email he called me “andrii” and moments later, another email but this time actually using my name then, tells me that on this occasion I have been unsuccessful.
I duly replied stating it was unprofessional to do this but wish the other guy all the luck. It is the greedy recruiter who is harvesting drivers from abroad for less as part of a get rich quick commission scam.
Furthermore, some of these “work for less” drivers are sending the money to their country of origin because it goes further leaving drivers who live and work in the u.k with some kind of aspiration to achieve more having to look elsewhere.
Its extremely selfish on the part of ALL the people involved.
March 25, 2016 at 8:41 pmI’ve been an agency driver for Tesco for 13 years and apply for a full time job last year but did not get the job ,
But I have a big prob with this company as all agency drivers our working for £9.50 an hr and Tesco drivers our getting around £13.75 for doing the same job and on bank holidays they get double time and an day in lieu, we only get £11 per hrs I think this should be brought to Tesco
rod James
March 29, 2016 at 12:05 pmTrevor,
If it was highlighted to them, do you really think they would care ? View are probably paying the agency well over £20 per hour for yet anyway ! Driving agencies are just leeches, they provide nothing and simply cream off the profits of your labour, it is them you should be pointing the finger at.
Robert bennett
April 21, 2016 at 11:31 amAbsolute rubbish is there a Hgv driver shortage.
I have been looking for work since November 2015
I am British ,held my class one for 23 years and have no points.
Just going to sign on the dole !
April 24, 2016 at 9:35 amI know how you feel Robert. I have been experencing the same problem. Been scratching a living for last year. 15 years clean licence always had work before. Same pay since 2008.
jon Mac
May 19, 2016 at 8:53 amRed tape and the threat of fines whenever you hit the road is enough to put anyone off driving a HGV now and the fact that legislation is making driving a truck out to be a science hasn’t helped the industry
rod James
May 19, 2016 at 9:26 amTruest words ever spoken !!
May 30, 2016 at 10:53 amHi I’m 28 and was thinking about doing my class 2,but as it stands it’s not worth it. The most money I’ve seen for a class 2 driver is £13 per hour that just isn’t good enough, I would have to pay around £1300 to pass my test. Why would I do that when I get £13 per hour working in a factory with no qualifications ? If it was £15 per hour min for a class 2 driver I would go for it. This is the reason and only reason there is a shortage of drivers and it will continue until this is need to make it attractive and £13 is not attractive at all.
rod James
May 31, 2016 at 9:08 amIt’s not the only reason Paul, you’ve forgotten poor conditions like inadequate break areas, intensive daily workload, VOSA parasites, low bridges, Driver behaviour software,(telematics) width restrictions, lorry ban zones, (increasing by the day) parking restrictions, and cyclists, the hourly rate my friend, is only the beginning.
Andy England
August 28, 2016 at 1:37 am£13 an hour sounds great to me(sad init?). What area are you in?
December 08, 2016 at 10:22 pmHi Paul
Don’t know where you work/live mate but no drivers I’ve seen get £13/hr in the Midlands. I’ve just been offered C2 work at £8.50/hr.
Rod james
December 09, 2016 at 9:42 amYou’d be mad to do it for £13 per hour, but absolutely bonkers to do it for £8.50 !
steve wells
May 31, 2016 at 5:44 pmI live in south lincs and on average the pay is better for class 2 than class 1 if you are working direct for a company. Turners, freshlinc etc pay 7.80-8.00 per hour. I got my class 2 a couple of months ago and was going to do my class 1 but couldn’t see the point to it. I now drive vans for sainsburys delivering shopping which I enjoy and get the same money as a class 1 driver but without the hassle of a tacho/working time regs.
rod James
May 31, 2016 at 6:16 pmBest thing you did mate ! They don’t deserve staff paying £8 per hour.
Nick Stiles
May 31, 2016 at 10:48 pmI have been a class 1 driver for 31years and agree that the industry is not in a good place regarding attracting young blood to the steering wheel. As an editor of the Commercial Motor magazine once wrote hgv drivers are regarded as, by Joe public, as either fat dim or dangerous. The attitude of the great British public towards hgv drivers is downright disgraceful when I compare the attitude and facilities of continental Europe. I think the biggest problem that has faced the industry is agencies. When I first started driving in 1985 there was one agency in the Heathrow airport area but now there is one on every street corner. If you look jobcentre plus there are virtually no proper companies advertising for company employed drivers just agencies touting for people to sign up on there books for full-time jobs that don’t exist. I do not believe there is as acute driver shortage as reported when you take away all the ghost vacancies.
One point that I can say has improved over the years, especially in the last 10 years, is the undue pressure put upon the driver to bend and break the rules to get the job done. This has now gone by the by since the digital and electronic monitoring by the ministry.
I would say to anyone thinking of coming into the industry to speak to prospective employers and visit them to explain your situation I.e. lack of experience and be honest and enthusiastic, there are decent employers out there, all drivers moan, myself included, I work for Wincanton construction and the pay and conditions aren’t bad at all nit I wouldn’t tell them that.
Remember, we are all in the same boat and we needed look out for one another and treat each other with respect and dignity when out on the road like when I started all those years ago.
And yes, if I had my time again I wouldn’t take my hgv licence I would have gone into computers like an old driver back in ’85 suggested.
steve wells
June 01, 2016 at 9:33 amWe had computers in 1985? Who’d have known? Lol! Has anyone ever worked direct for the builders merchants doing hiab deliveries on class 2?
June 02, 2016 at 1:16 pmI done my class 2 last year in August and done my class 1 a month later in Gillingham. I failed class 1 twice however so after all the costs i spent about £3500 on my licences which i now highly regret but at the time i was so proud that i was starting a new respectable career with big reaponsibilities. I did the job until march this year and packed it in after 6 months. I am ex-british army infantry and i am no stranger to hard work and love a challenge but when you get so much bullshit from transport offices talking to you like you are a gulag worker there comes a time when you say enough. I have met so many rude people in this industry who expect you to be at their beck and call whenever they expect it. It seems doing a 12 hour shift is not good enough in many of these comapanies eyes and they have the attitude that you should be licking their boots for a 15 hour shift! I had a situation a few times before i quit from tesco near maidstone where the transport office spoke to British drivers like dirt and even worse to the eastern european drivers just because they could. I personally don’t have a problem with he euro drivers because if i was in their shoes i would do the same for better pay but its the filthy parasite agencies and transport companies who have ruined the job for thr drivers. I am finished with doing long shifts for £400 a week. I am now looking to get back into local supermarket’s to stack shelves… God knows it will be a lot less stressfull and at least the pay is a hell of a lot more fair. Driving a artic for £9-11 a hour is a offence to the driver and people are wondering why so many lorry drivers are crashing into bridges and other damages. Many of them are getting their lincences easier from countries in europe where the tests are easier to pass and much cheaper. But go ahead and keep paying crap wages to drivers! Like the saying goes ”you pay peanuts, you get monkeys”
Steve dearman
June 07, 2016 at 10:36 amYour 100% bang on…..this industry has been ruined by those ‘you have just spoke of the cancer of nasty uneducated paracidic scum that infests this industry these days is enough to put any would be driver off …..its riddled with it.
Completely underskilled/ completely underpaid/ completely without compassion
It’s had it..
Andy England
August 28, 2016 at 1:30 amSpot on.
June 02, 2016 at 1:31 pmWow .. I was looking at coming into this industry after being a driving instructor for 26 years (which has suffered exactly the same downfall) seems to me a lot of industries have taken a big hit in the last 10 years, a miracle is needed I think.
Andy England
August 28, 2016 at 1:26 amThere are some good jobs around, and the good drivers will eventually find them, but be prepared to do 5 years of shit and don’t expect more than 28,000 if you want to see your family.
Dave Powell
June 06, 2016 at 7:32 pmHaving retrained at 50 ,i’m utterly disappointed at the low wages. as is everyone. But more importantly, the attitude of the industry within is appealing ,bullying rife, waiting times to unload ridiculous, driver facilities non existent, your considered a nuisance on the road. your forever fighting against euro truck law and driving time directives in the uk and vosa at the road side. Health and safety is mostly a non starter, so long as you get the load to where it needs to go. And as for the driving experience, i drive a 2008 Volvo where the driver seat looks as though its been eaten by mice. They cant be bothered to repair it because the lorry would be off the road. My god until the industry smartens itself towards the drivers the UK will have a very real issue with recruitment. And why is it most firms prefer agency a higher cost to themselves than employing direct, ill tell you why because they know they cant hold on to drivers for any length of time. just take a look at the majority of the European trucks which arrive in the UK and guess what there smart very modern and the drivers are paid twice what i am, they even have sat dishes so they can watch their home TV. I could go on but why. In addition to all this when you report to the offices for goods your considered a piece of rubbish on their shoes or its to much trouble or bloody hell another lorry is here.etc etc..transport industry its pants.
June 08, 2016 at 1:59 pmTrue to the last word. I only did 6 months and i had to stop from stress. I honestly pity and envy current drivers out there, I don’t know how you do it. After all the crap and bullshit i seen within 6 months i vowed to never sit behind a lorry wheel again. It is not even close to worth it if you look at the wages. I will laugh when the government start complaining when they realise in the future how messed up everything will get.
To anyone reading this who is thinking about booking your week of lessons and hgv test… DO NOT BOTHER! Save your £3000 and get qualified in something else. You will thank me later
Andy England
August 28, 2016 at 1:22 amI once bumped into an old school pal who asked what I was doing now. When I told him, HGV driver he said, ” I guess you decided you didn’t want any stress!” with no sarcasm at all. Mind. Blown.
mick penswick
June 09, 2016 at 7:02 pmthe industry has a bad reputation low pay long hours nights out with no pay to park in truck stops not enough parking anywhere for hgvs you pay a fortune for your licence and cpc training every agency is trying to get your licence from you and fine you for doing your job dvla vosa lbts speed cameras traffic light cameras the knowledge you have to have is massive from the highway code to load security axle weights and traffic schemes like the lbts oh and a built in sat nav in the brain that’s required its appreciation of all these skills through hard cash in wages to attract me back into the industry it would cost a least 45k pa as I earn more now not driving than I ever did on the road. anyone starting out in this industry god help them !!
Andy England
August 28, 2016 at 1:18 amTotally, spot on. I rue the day I accidentally embarked on this industry.
peter street
August 30, 2016 at 11:59 amTo earn 35k you need to be away all week and be involved with the truck, work/POA/Driving, for 60 hours or more, so no social life no time to exercise leading to a shorted life, poor food at sevice areas poor facilities..I could go on, most of us could not earn that amount of money elsewhere so earn the money save and get out of the game as soon as you can
Ms lee
August 30, 2016 at 4:03 pmI think it’s discussing the way you HGV drivers are treated. I think you guys are amazing and do a great job. Have no idea how you cope with the bad driving on today’s roads, I’ve watched you make turnings and reversing that stops me in my track with thoughts of, how clever is that. You all deserve to be on at least £40,000 a year plus overtime. Like to see a tube driver do your job. Thank you again guys for all you hard work.
July 21, 2016 at 7:32 amWhy would anyone want to become a HGV driver. The facilities in services are disgraceful, also expensive. VOSA fine the drivers even for silly faults where before they used to have a warning. Unpaid training to keep their CPC. Low income for being stressed on today’s roads breathing fums all day. No wonder many fail medical eating the overpriced dried out un healthy food I’ve seen in services. I feel our lorry drivers are treated badly and considering if it wasn’t for our drivers you wouldn’t be sitting on your seat now. Over 90% of goods go on the back of a lorry. They work long hours no companionship having to sleep in their cabs. No toilet facilities. I could go on and on. Thank god I’ve got a desk job.
Rod james
July 21, 2016 at 11:46 amThat’s about right my friend, I quit this ludicrous industry years ago, and never looked back, you forgot to mention however, the perils of telematic driver behaviour software which grasses on you if you exceed the speed limit slightly, or have to do an emergency stop, or go off of your “geofenced” route, it’s making a fool out of even the best drivers, and I’m glad I never worked in the industry when this garbage was in fashion as it is now, it’s disgusting and trust lacking by an employer, frankly I’m pleased there’s a shortage of drivers, the industry has completely shot itself in the foot with this measure, and others I could mention.
August 19, 2016 at 11:55 pmWhy do they advertise saleries of 29 thousand pound as averge saleries when you guys are saying that the wages are shit. Im asking as i am thinking of retraining in this industry.
Andy England
August 28, 2016 at 1:13 amNormally a shortfall in staff means hiked wages, but not here. Ridiculously low wages and repeatedly being treated like dirt by managers(owners) – People who want to get their products from A-B but wish drivers weren’t needed (a necessary evil, if you will) has lead to very few career advisors advocating this work. They haven’t missed it out, they already no that it is toilet, dead end work. There is no advancement here no matter how good you are. Combine this with the recruitment agency sector that has bled the industry dry, from both angles. It’s no wonder nobody wants to come into the field. I still see ads. for sub £9.50 an hour in the S/E. I loved being an HGV driver for a while (once I found a good employer) but I wouldn’t go back to to it for at least £11p/h (no agencies involved – a very rare beast). I now work as a Supervisor in a warehouse on more money than our drivers. On average 1 to 2 less hours of work per night and relatively little stress. While Polish and Romanian drivers (et al) have taken up the slack in the last ten years there has been no need to rectify this. Now, post-Brexit, maybe the bitter pill is too big to swallow.
August 31, 2016 at 2:32 pmI really want to become a truck/hgv driver but I only have an automatic car license and no money for training,is there any company’s that will train me for free and do I need a manual car license first? many thanks for any help.
September 05, 2016 at 11:48 amYou can now take your HGV licence in a automatic, so your automatic licence would be OK. However you would never be able to drive a manual. I don’t think this would be a huge issue as manual trucks are far and few between now.
There are some companies that will put you through your tests and lessons, but will make you sign a contract for you to stay for a minimum of 3 years or pay back the cost to release you from the contract, or they will pay for it all and take a % out your wage each week to pay it back. By doing it this way you are going to have the jaws of a haulage company firmly clamped around you. Making it difficult to leave. Now at first they will promis you the world and on paper it looks amazing, … But believe me and all my fellow drivers when we say it’s not worth it. Not yet at least.
Do not be blinded by the rubbish that comes out of transport managers mouths “you can earn good money, you will only have 1 or 2 nights out a week’ … That doesn’t happen, your out all week for pennies. My advice would be to find another sector. It’s really not as good as you think.
Andy the slavedriver
November 29, 2016 at 6:33 pmIt used to be a bit of fun at times but those days are loooong gone. Novelty soon wears off. They are not lies in the posts you read about, how crap hgv driving is now. It’ll probably be driverless within 10 years anyway. Go to sea, and go around the world. ‘Cos you definitely won’t truck driving.
Julian Roy allenby
September 07, 2016 at 6:24 pmAfter 42 years of driving class one hgv I have now retired. On one hand I am missing the job no end, but I don’t miss long hours, very poor pay, company after company pushing you beyond normal limits and not wanting to pay for safe parking – only paying £22/25 per night. Even the so-called good firms will try to get you to do things you shouldn’t. I could go on for a long time about what is a bad industry. So good luck recruiting.
Daniel Tanase
September 11, 2016 at 2:01 amI’m class1 Driver for 5 years and I’m working in have to work 12h-15h a day to have decent salary no over time after 8h like other jobs low hourly rate pay alot of regulation and responsibilities wen you working long time sometimes you make mistakes and you pay not like other job if you make mistakes nothing happens I have 9 point and now nobody hi whants me to work for insurance purpose I don’t understand this stupid law if your license is not suspended this mean you are not allowed to work eny more than why you are still able to drive not make sense and the points they staying 4 years of course is shorthege if Driver beacuse of the so much regulations and responsibilities and low wage and long hours and high expensive driving licence courses and cpc course they kill the drivers from transport industry if you do a course of mortgage adviser £500 3 month you finish and you can earn £50000 in the first years if do your best or maybe more and you work 8h nice clean job and you don’t have a lot of responsibility.
September 21, 2016 at 7:58 pmI have driven for a living for 16 years and 8 years of that doing builders merchant work class 2 hiab work avoid at your peril!
Taking a 32 ton or 26 ton truck down stupid tight roads even alleyways for idiot builders who can’t understand why u can’t get your truck where they parked there van up the alleyway.
I am 39 and am quitting this shite industry end of year and never to drive anything for a living ever again and don’t get me started on the wages my mate gets more for driving a sprinter van for Tesco home delivery groceries
This is one career if you call it that to avoid is stressful every nutter has to get in front of the Lorry as we are a inconvenience and too slow
Long days early starts
Pay is shite
October 07, 2016 at 7:35 pmSpot on son been there and done it for £70 per day!
Truck driving a good living good wages ha ha
Former class 1 Hiab driver of 10 years
I stack shelfs in morrisions now and guess what I am financially better off doing my current job then driving a 44 ton truck down stupid tight roads!!
October 10, 2016 at 10:11 amI’m 48 years old , wife and son ,
I’m waiting by the phone for the agency to call to see if I’m working today . £10.00 per hour .
Class one for 25years .
Colin R
March 10, 2017 at 2:34 pm” every nutter has to get in front of the Lorry ” – we get the same scenario at work driving buses lol
Paul Wade
November 16, 2016 at 9:21 pmI am 67 and an experienced H G V driver with years of experience and would like to carry on.
But when they introduced the new C P C regulations I could not afford it.
I have a Transport Managers C P C which I have held for years but that is not enough so I now don’t do it
Rod james
November 17, 2016 at 10:10 amAt 67 years old why would you even want to return to that rubbish life ? My God man you are heading towards your twilight years, the best way not to enjoy them would be to get your CPC and return to that dreadful industry.
Andy slavedriver
November 29, 2016 at 6:22 pmCrap wages are made to look better by very long unsociable hours. You need to speak Polish. Office graduates and managers that don’t know what they’re doing. You are treated like crap most places you go. Hounded by vosa/police and courts sentencing without an idea what it’s about. Points on car licence makes insurance expensive. Likewise if someone drives into your truck and it’s their fault. Health ‘n safety tick box exercising for vehicle checks only to be ignored by management in some places I’ve worked. If the civil sevants in society were put under the same work pressure environment they would probably be off work sick with anxiety, stress or depression. Driver cpc not even worth talking about. Agencies think they own you, especially those like pervtemps _aidyr etc. Love the Poles so they can pay less than shelf stackers or postmen. Or maybe extra £1 or £2 for ltd. co. scam so pay no holidays, sickpay, tax, national insuranceand very little liabilities.
The only decent driver job, although very boring and all other truckers hate you, is Royal Mail. £40,000 a year for the easiest job you will ever do. But don’t think you can start on agency and get taken on full time. They would and do prefer training postmen to be truckers than take on outsiders, even after doing full time agency for many years. This just for starters, and clueless politicians in lala land wonder why nobody wants to do this job. Happy days.
December 13, 2016 at 10:03 pm9 to 15 hours a day, high stress levels. nice to see toilet on weekends, so i have Time… 395 a week. medicals which i pay for. cpc,s . which i pay for. vosa who are looking to make their wages out of driver. digi card again i pay for. eye sight test,guess who pays for that. mobile speed cameras just in case i may have driffted 3 miles over speed limit. OH yes and must be curtius and proffessional at all times,which i am. why do i still do the job. because i still find freedom from the system/no padded cell yet. that means more to to me,than having some gaffa twat breathing down your neck..thanks
Rod james
December 14, 2016 at 11:43 amWell I know one thing, freedom or not, I would never return to it, and there’s no Freedom anymore, not with trackers, and driver behaviour software.
Barry p
March 08, 2017 at 4:00 amWe hgv drivers are under appreciated under paid , treated like dirt by the public and our own employers and agencies like we are the lowest form of human life there is !! No wonder no one wants to be a hgv driver !! Treated like dirt long hours very poor pay no home or social life no work life balance !! Is it really a surprise no one wants to drive a truck for money !! I would advise anyone thinking of being a truck driver to give it a wide birth ! It’s not worth it !! I’m trying to get out of it after 23 yrs ! Had enough of being treated like I’m thick and down trodden by management as if I’m nothing !! Go do something else anyone even contemplating becoming a hgv driver !! Think twice !!
Steve dearman
March 08, 2017 at 5:19 pmWell said… theres no shortage of drivers out there’ just people who are sick and tired of being taken for complete mugs… Never mind about nurses teachers doctors police etc what’s going to happen when the industry and the public realise the 24hr 7 day a week economy will slowly may not be now it may not be next year.. But as sure as the the sun will shine ‘its gonna come…you can throw as many quick fixs at it ‘as you like…but it’s to late.. we’ve all had enough!!!
Rod james
March 09, 2017 at 10:34 amThe comment placed on here earlier was absolutely correct, there is no shortage of HGV drivers, just an unwillingness of drivers to continue to be mugged off by an industry that has contempt for them.
Colin Robertson
March 10, 2017 at 2:32 pmif more companies put you through the test, the way bus companies do, and offer you a job after you have passed ( with the condition that if you leave within 2 years, you pay back what the lessons/test cost the company ) then id certainly consider changing my job. i got my bus licence this way, if i left within 2 years, i had to pay them back around £1,600
David Bruton
April 11, 2017 at 6:19 pmWell I’ve been driving on and off for the past 7 years having gained my HGV c+e back in 2001 and wanted to follow the owd Mon footsteps when I went with him back in 70s ,but by god how much has changed in that period of time ..You can’t even take passengers anymore so that one thing why youngsers don’t know what it like in a truck to get the buzz ,all this CPC crap has finished off the older drivers by being told how to and not what can’t do by a kid in a suit in the management department you are just a mug to them they don’t respect you or even think of you it the loads and ££££ they are in for a fat profit and the monkey get the peanuts ..I only do a night here and there now and I set the price I want depends on what involved if it doesn’t go my way I don’t bother turning up ..I rather go and do other things like odd jobbing for better pay ..
stephen webster
April 18, 2017 at 11:20 pmTruck drivers with 2 more years need to make at least 15 pounds with half a pound raise per year until making 20 pounds with over time after 40 hours per week and the driver shortage would be gone in 3 years
Rod james
April 19, 2017 at 8:44 amVery good mathematics! But there is more chance of a snowball in hell than that happening !
July 26, 2017 at 10:47 amSome of the comments here are horrendous. I’ve recently been made redundant from a well known high street retailer (cat b) and was thinking about getting my class 2 licence to help find a new job. After reading these comments I’m in no doubt that’s not going to happen now.
I had my doubts anyway and that’s why I found this article. Driving a van I was on £8.80ph (although underhand employer backed up by government clawed that back through constant unpaid overtime) and I’m shocked most class 2 drivers get less than £9 ph.
No wonder there’s a shortage of drivers. After reading these comments I realise why. There are thousands and thousands of licence holders out there but they don’t want to stay/go back to the industry because of the horrendous pay and conditions.
Thank goodness I found this when I did. I’m away to Google an alternative industry to put my money, time and effort into!
Rod James
July 26, 2017 at 11:51 amjust read your post mate, I’m one of those class 2 drivers that would never return to the game ! there are plenty more out there like me!
July 28, 2017 at 9:05 amFrom what I can gather the industry seems hell bent on burying it’s head in the sand till it implodes; Always looking outwards to lay the blame with someone else rather than looking inwards to deal with the real issues.
It’s sad to see all the con artists and parasitic training companies out there trying to manipulate job seekers by telling them there is a driver shortage, trying to make money from the unaware, when they know full well there is a huge surplus of drivers.
Any haulage companies out there take note; When you put greed and short term profit above long term sustainability then don’t go crying to the government asking for infinite amounts of taxpayer money to keep your failing business afloat.
You reap what you sow!
December 14, 2017 at 11:17 pmTell you what great feedback
Why dont all of the drivers hang keys up for two weeks
Sit back and watch the uk fold.
Or maybe they will call in the army to driven 5 millon trucks.
Stick together on this one.
ken webster
July 29, 2017 at 3:48 pmThe same thing is happening in Canada in ontario the min wage is going to be $15.00 per hour for everyone. The good companies are paying $23.00 to $25.00 per hour for local truck or bus drivers. Long haul truck drivers are getting $26.00 to $30.00 per hour cd. per hour. Some are getting overtime after 60 hours per week and are being paid off their E-log. They are getting enough truck drivers. Some driver services are paying $19.00 to $24.00 per hour for local driver with no extras, for local work. They ( the low paying ones) complain that truck drivers are lazy and keep getting other jobs ( that pay better like being a policeman or a fire person). We have told hour goverment that min pay for local work should be $23.00 per hour. Over the road drivers $26.50 per hour plus a hotel room one day every 2 weeks if not home for the hours reset. 6479692135
Steve Webster
December 10, 2018 at 3:54 pmThe problem is poor pay and working conditions both in Europe and in Canada. Many trucking companies have short changing truck drivers in Canada. O T.R truck drivers in Canada are supposed to be making $27.00 per hour on certain contracts. Many trucking companies have not been paying the required overtime and being under paying new truck drivers to Canada.
Peter Street
December 15, 2017 at 11:45 amAn insurance led study into why a disproportionate number of under 25 year olds were involved in a higher percentage of accidents reported that, the frontal lobe of the brain is not fully developed until the age of 24, the frontal lobe among other things controls judgement, with the greatest respect to all those under 24 year olds I would not like to see them making a poor judgment call in a 44 ton truck and wiping out a family or two, it used to be that you spent a few years in a 7.5 ton truck, made some mistakes and learn from it, then onto a 4 or 6 wheeler then once proven a 8 wheeler or article,
peter street
December 15, 2017 at 6:02 pmThat should read Artic, predictive text catches me out every time.
December 16, 2017 at 4:35 pmi’m struggling in the industry as a new driver at 50. the drivers are so negative about it, the hours are long mainly because the pay is poor and you need to get a decent wage to just break even so its 60+ hrs for £500 take home. no support from the government and transport managers and planners are rude with what seems no knwoledge of the system and the rules of the tacho….. umberella, paye, self employed or limited, cannot work it because everyone has a story to tell why not to do something. i just want a job, Monday to Friday working nights and have money to live on after i pay my overheads
June 06, 2018 at 5:57 amI started in my 20s, had my class 2 over 15 years now. Was ill for a while, missed out on the CPC. Changed jobs but the hours where not there, ended up homeless as i am still now. Can’t afford the cpc on top of everything life wants you to pay for. They took away my right to earn a living, paying to work is noting but blackmail. Not driven a truck in 4 years now. Miss it a lot. If it wasn’t for the CPC then i could of worked but everyone kept telling me i had to pay for it…hard thing to do when i was out of work, been hard to find a full time job with regular work since..surely its not lawful to make us pay to have a right to work.
When they run of of TVs in the shops then maybe they will let me back to work.
December 09, 2018 at 6:17 pmThere are good experienced professional hgv drivers gone out the profession because that is what it is for two simple reasons that have been ignored for years and that is PAY and CONDITIONS. £10 per hour a insult
incognito james
December 11, 2018 at 4:39 amAll of the comments are relevant, but forget to mention driver behaviour trackers which tell tales on your every move, and now driver facing cameras as well !
I did 35 years in the industry, but would never want to be that regulated to that degree ever again.
The industry deserves all it is now getting.
December 11, 2018 at 7:55 pmTotally agree, drivers are treated terrible and services are not great. The industry deserves all that it gets. Having to pay to work, medicals, CPS, licences. It’s a disgrace.
Derek Sneddon
January 06, 2019 at 10:40 pmshortage in drivers is it maybe because as per usual it costs a arm and a leg to get your licence and the tests are made a lot harder