Ocean carriers the 'outright financial winners' in a year of unpredictability
A year of unpredictability has led to substantial increases in both ocean and air freight ...
In this Deep Dive Loadstar Podcast, Mike King and guests explain the traditional container shipping peak season and its role in the ebb and flow of global trade.
They also examine how the last two years of Covid-driven supply chain disruption have impacted box trade seasonality.
And they consider whether parts of that transformation will be permanent, or whether a return to normality is now underway in the shape of a 2022 peak season that has faltered in the face of economic ...
The shape of Asia-Europe shipping capacity as the new alliances bed in
Near-shoring drives Mexican warehouse space to historic lows
DSV agenda reveals it's eyeing more M&A – and pay rises for directors
CBP won't be ready for flood of extra processing after de minimis pause
Rough seas drive powerless MSC box ship aground on Canadian coast
Ecommerce platforms cancel flights and slash capacity – market is 'a mess'
Ocean carriers hold contract rates 'at a decent level', as spots tumble
Carriers should 'share some of the risk', say shippers eyeing new contracts
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