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Market rates for the outsize AN-124 freighter aircraft look set to increase, following a court decision to ground two operated by Polet Airlines.

Last week, according to Russian media reports, the Moscow Arbitration Court ruled that Polet Airlines must cease operating its two AN-124s, which were financed via Ilyushin Finance Co (IFC) and two companies owned by former billionaire Alexander Lebedev.

Mr Lebedev’s two companies petitioned the court on 6 February, claiming non-payment of leases on the aircraft and a total debt ...

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  • JR

    February 12, 2014 at 3:00 pm

    1 of these was at YYZ airport this past Saturday, see attached. It departed for Glasgow on Sunday morning.

  • David Harris

    February 12, 2014 at 3:13 pm

    If I remember correctly, there were rumors that Polet never wanted the Il-96 freighters — that they were ordered to take them.

    I could be wrong on this, but maybe someone who has real knowledge could comment.