Liverpool2 - Image 1

Increasing numbers of UK shippers are switching their container import gateway from the congestion of Southampton and Felixstowe to Liverpool.

According to freight forwarders and importers, the Mersey port’s enlarged terminal capacity since it opened its deepwater Liverpool2 terminal in late 2016 has meant an absence of demurrage and detention charges, as well as faster truck turnaround times and available haulage.

These factors have been thrown into sharp focus since the congestion issues began at Felixstowe in the summer and later spread to ...

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  • DP World Southampton

    October 10, 2018 at 2:13 pm

    DP World Southampton’s performance is back to normal. There is no congestion and truck turnaround times are back to their expected operational levels.
    We have issued a customer communication which can be read in full here

    • Gavin van Marle

      October 10, 2018 at 2:27 pm

      Thank you – we have updated the story accordingly.

      Kind regards,