Busy port of Antwerp
© Rudmer Zwerver

As the retail industry across Europe and North America begins to effectively shut down as governments enforce widespread social lockdown, there are increasing warnings that the container shipping industry is set to see some of the largest declines in volumes in living memory.

According to liner analyst SeaIntelligence Consulting, the possibility of a 10% decline in global container shipments – which would equate to 17m teu carried by the world’s box shipping fleet and some 80 teu handled in global container ...

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  • Andreas Koût

    March 23, 2020 at 3:30 pm

    These forecasts for global ocean volumes in 2020 are still to high for me and my team,we are envisaging a drop of 30 to 40% of 80 Mio Teu´s to 48 -56 Mio Teu´s.
    Well, why
    redundancies in most western economies will heavily challenge the confidence in
    consuming and buying of
    cars,electronic articles, high-tech etc.
    Production lines in various industry verticals have to be rebuilded from almost a zero.
    This will take and need time so being very positive in terms of avilable oceanfreight volumes (but not on airfreight) we will not see the 2019 figures
    prior than 2.half of 2021.
    Team Akclimited
    Team Akclimited

    consumers conifdence has to be rebuilded and consumers have to spend money
    redundanices on a global scale will have