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© Hieronymusukkel & CEVA

A banker’s dream, when he leads a challenging deal that aims for a top-end valuation, is to be able to share news with his investors that could render it a deal to remember.

So, can you imagine what kind of boost the arrangers of an IPO can get when a listing is launched along with the announcement that a trade buyer is snapping up a large stake in the business?

Enter CMA CGM and CEVA Logistics: quite simply, today’s announcement that the ocean ...

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  • Alan

    April 24, 2018 at 7:04 am

    But by having CMA as a large shareholder, you remove the chance that trade buyers will eventually bid for CEVA, so you remove the chance that it’s new other shareholders will ever receive a takeover premium. CMA acquire effective control, without paying a premium

    • Ale Pasetti

      April 25, 2018 at 1:53 am

      That is true, Alan. There’s no/ M&A premium priced-in at IPO, in fact. This remains a working capital story, one with a much-stronger BS than pre-IPO.