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Container line operators face an invidious choice as the fourth quarter looms.

Those that have not installed sulphur scrubbers must pass on the higher cost of fuel compliant with the low-sulphur requirement of IMO 2020, or consider incremental slow steaming to reduce bunker bills.

The results of research MSI suggests slowing the fleet by as little as one knot would, in theory, have a large impact on effective supply, producing a reduction of 3% and 6.6%, a spread which reflects the particular ...

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  • Asaf Ashar

    September 26, 2019 at 3:33 pm

    A nice and comprehensive excercise. One comment: reducing sea distance by dropping port calls (reducing port connectivity) to enable slower speed and savings in fuel consumption — can result in increasing land distance (trucking) and fuel consumption. Accordingly, a more meaningful exercise should encompass the entire O/D transport system.