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DHL Supply Chain, is preparing for an anticipated surge in demand in the fourth quarter of 2020 by hiring additional workers and leveraging its investments in technology and infrastructure to support shippers.

The third party logistics provider today announced that it will hire 7,000 associates through the end of 2020 to meet demand fueled both by the peak holiday shopping season and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“’Peak season’ for contract logistics providers typically takes place in the late summer months and is driven principally by a surge in retail inventory, which has increasingly moved to online channels in recent years,” says Scott Sureddin, CEO, DHL Supply Chain North America.

“This year, with an accelerated shift toward e-commerce, non-retail industries potentially seeing a resurgence in pent-up demand, and consumer goods and life sciences and healthcare companies continuing to ramp up their production capabilities, many of our customers are facing their most unpredictable fourth quarter ever.”

According to Sureddin, DHL Supply Chain’s investments are aimed at providing shippers with both the operational certainty and the flexibility that they will need to adjust their supply chains to meet consumer demand.

To read the full post, please click here.

The full release can be found here.

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