maersk msc © Denys Yelmanov
© Denys Yelmanov

Drewry has waded into the debate over the European Commission’s consultation on the block exemption afforded to container lines serving the EU, which is due to expire in April 2020.

The consultant said it could see “validity in both points of view” – those for an extension of the block exemption, and those against – but said shippers should “not fear alliances”, which, it contended, had actually “aided competition during a period of market concentration”.

Launched in September, the EC’s consultation and ...

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  • Asaf Ashar

    November 19, 2018 at 4:44 pm

    Drewry’s analysis has two unstated and untested assumptions, that viable competitors “must” operate ULCVs, providing services with daily frequency. If correct, the market’s entry barrier is too high, indeed.