© Sjors737

A new report estimates that over the past 21 years the container industry has “destroyed” about $110bn of shareholder value.

Its author, McKinsey & Co, said this had mainly been due to continuous overcapacity in the sector.

The management consultant said bulk shipping was the only transport sector with a worse performance than liner shipping’s average of less than 2% return on invested capital.

The profitability league table is headed by the cruise line industry, with a return of over 12%.

Market leader Maersk Line’s ROIC last ...

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  • Ingvar Bergman

    February 12, 2018 at 5:49 pm

    I believe it is utmost important that the Hamburg Sud brand is kept untouched for a smooth transition. Maersk brand should stay in the east-west tradelanes. Hamburg Sud is still performing as a ‘family’ (Oetker) and should remain so for optimal benefit. Maersk history is a similar one (Moller) which should not be forgotten. Not everyone is delighted to see the lightblue grown big.