OceanX: Tradewar 2.0 begins; ONE beats Hapag in Q4; earnings season pain
2025 warming up
“London is not Britain“.
That was one of the first things I was told when moving to this city in June 2004.
And it’s true.
There are no “locals“ here or better put, everyone that moves here does become one, a Londoner.
It is a (wonderful) melting pot of minds and cultures, that brings together the best and brightest of many industries, as well as dreamers and outcasts, the dedicated and disciplined as well as the ...
Disappointing results for DSV – and Schenker integration will impact revenue
Airfreight expected to take a hit from de minimis exemption suspension
More blanked sailings: 'Carriers will not sit on their hands while rates collapse'
Maersk paying $100,000 a day to charter scarce post-panamax box ships
De minimis cut won't hurt demand for Chinese ecommerce, but for air cargo?
US delays tariffs on Mexico for one month as it starts negotiations
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