Come and dance with FIATA in Dublin

3rd Oct 2016 - 8th Oct 2016
© Daniel M. Cisilino

The Loadstar is pleased to announce that its coverage of the FIATA World Congress will be supported by WCA.

Hundreds of years before ‘Riverdance‘, an anonymous 14th Century Irish poet invited one and all to “Come Dance With Me in Ireland“.

We offer a similar invitation to FIATA and its member associations, and wish you “Cead Mile Failte” (A Hundred Thousand Welcomes) to this “Island off an Island” on the western edge of Europe. Our association recently celebrated its 50th year in existence and next year we will celebrate our 50th year as a member of FIATA. In keeping with the theme of the Conference in 2016 – ” Ireland: Where Networking Comes Naturally” – we are very keen to generate an enthusiasm for networking amongst freight forwarders who, at the same time, can enjoy the friendly atmosphere of our city and country. To this end we have joined with professional conference organizers Conference Partners.

Freight Forwarding began in Ireland in the mid 1920’s when Lep Transport set up operations in Dublin. There were some further local additions during the 1930’s but it was not until foreign direct investment in the 60s and 70s, that an upsurge in the number of freight forwarders took place. To-day, in spite of amalgamations over recent years our association has over 110 full trading members. Since the late 1970s training of staff members plays an important part in our activities. In fact, Certificates of Competence in Freight Forwarding were presented to successful participants of our freight forwarding course during the last FIATA Congress held in Dublin, in 1981.

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    FIATA 2016