© Yanik Chauvin panama canal_4243837
© Yanik Chauvin

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is to further reduce the maximum draft allowed for vessels transiting the waterway during an especially severe drought season, obliging ocean carriers to lighten the loads of Asia – US east coast Panama and Pendulum loops.

As a result, transpacific carriers are set to impose hefty surcharges from 1 June for shipments on Asia – US east coast all water services and redirect some of their loops via the Suez Canal.

“The Panama drought season is causing ...

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  • JukurrpaShip ShipBuilders

    June 25, 2023 at 12:39 am

    As an entity that have transited Panama 13 times, it’s sad to see it’s natural demise.
    From a commercial climatic perspective, the Canal’s issues are reflected globally.
    We comment as a builder of non-containerised tonnage. It is easy to see that even with no water restrictions both Suez and Panama would struggle with Cellular 50,000 TEU vessels and above.
    This means a ‘digital canal’ will be required, through the likes of Egypt and Mexico where the old Suez and old Panama will essentially service ‘feeder’ ship capacity.