© Artur Szczybylo

FIS has decided to bring forward its annual Charity Day to Thursday 16 April and donate all commissions received that day from futures and options trading to organisations leading the fight against the Coronavirus.

FIS, its staff and clients have all been affected to a greater or lesser extent by the virus and this is an opportunity to show our support for the professionals that are treating patients, keeping supplies moving and providing care and counselling at a time when national systems are stretched to the limit.

FIS Founder John Banaszkiewicz said: “We are in unprecedented times and it is up to us to show our thanks to the healthcare professionals, support staff and other workers who are bearing the brunt of the pandemic and have the responsibility of staying in the front line because they cannot work from home.”

FIS will donate commissions from across its entire product suite – dry bulk and wet freight, iron ore, fuel oil, coking coal, steel, scrap, base metals, fertilizers, agribulks and airfreight, from both futures and options as well as physical shipping activities.

“This is about more than mailing a cheque, we will be donating the proceeds directly to the NHS and other organisations that have played a vital role in helping people through the Pandemic,” adds John B. “I really hope all our clients will get behind this and help us raise the best possible total to support these essential causes.”

For more information on the FIS Charity Day, please contact your broker – our contacts including mobile numbers can be found here: https://freightinvestorservices.com/contact-us-fis/

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