© Stephen Coburn |ship fuel control

Container lines have objected to French calls for the IMO impose mandatory speed limits for ships.

The French proposals, submitted at the end of last month and seen by The Loadstar, call for a two-step approach of short-term measures to cut GHG emissions in shipping.

They include regulating ship speeds on a sector by sector basis, followed by the adoption of globally applicable annual emissions caps based on each ship’s output.

It is understood that Maersk has objected to the proposals, while a spokesman ...

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  • Andrew Craig-Bennett

    April 13, 2019 at 9:59 am

    The French proposal is sound. The suggestion that “the industry slowed down after 2008 under self regulation” is specious; the slow down was thanks to freight rates and fuel prices, not out of any public spirited concern for the environment.

    A regulated and enforced slow down benefits everyone including owners.

  • DTL

    April 16, 2019 at 7:18 pm

    Owners are right to vigorously resist this proposal, as other mechanisms could be applied to achieve the same goal without harming innovation and cargo interests.