Photo: Sri Lanka Ports Authority

Top container carriers have embarked on a new project to address ship fires and cargo losses as lithium-ion batteries have stolen the limelight from sodium hypochlorite as the leading cause for concern.

The Safetytech Accelerator Cargo Fire & Loss Innovation Initiative (CFLII) involves carriers and ship owners Evergreen, HMM, Maersk, Offen Group, ONE and Seaspan and class society Lloyd’s Register in developing technologies to prevent fires and overboard cargo losses, as well as promoting safe and secure stowage.

“The main cause for ...

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  • David Brennan

    February 22, 2023 at 2:31 pm

    From 1 January 2025, there will be an opportunity to differentiate EVs powered by lithium ion batteries from other vehicles as the UN Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods has adopted a new entry into the 23rd revised edition of the Model Regulations, UN3556, Vehicle, lithium ion battery powered. The changes to the UN Model Regulations will now be considered by the modal bodies, including the IMO for the IMDG Code.